Holistic horsemanship

We have always farmed organically and in accordance with the principles of sustainable agriculture, which we demonstrate with an organic certificate. 

We pay a lot of attention to the laws of nature in our lives in general and we try to behave as nature-friendly as possible, so when breeding horses, we take into account their natural needs as much as possible. Horses and other animals are treated holistically.

We help animals and humans form genuine and quality relationships, in which the animal is treated as an equal partner with its consciousness, mind, emotions and needs. The social aspect and consideration of the fact that horses are herd animals are extremely important, which is why our horses of all categories live in larger groups. They spend the whole year outdoors, in large fenced pastures or well-fortified paddocks of coarse sand and stones. Animal health issues and training involves experts who jointly cover a very wide (holistic) range of knowledge in the field of veterinary science, psychology, ethology and many complementary sciences such as bioresonance, osteopathy, zoopharmacognosy (treatment with medicinal herbs and essential oils) and natural (barefoot*) hoof care.


In our work, experience, ethological knowledge, the use of complementary sciences to strengthen the health of horses and functional hoof care are closely intertwined. This approach ensures a healthy and satisfied horse, with the most important part being an individual approach to each animal. With our work we want to familiarize new owners with the horses and their needs, which is why we place great emphasis on friendly, consistent and professional communication and the dissemination of all kinds of experience and knowledge.